Many people fall for the traditional retirement lie. The normal path is to stay at your job and slowly invest for retirement, to delay present happiness for future happiness. Some people think eventually all your hard work will pay off and you'll have all the time in the world in retirement. The future isn't guaranteed, and you may not have the time to do all the things you dream of. Work for 40 years and then enjoy 10 - 20 years of freedom? The answer to freedom isn’t retirement, it’s less stress in life. If you want to retire early, there are things you can do about it. If you want to plan for early retirement, this video is for you! Subscribe: **I am NOT a financial planner! This is just the story of my personal financial planning for retirement. You should do your own research and talk with your financial planner before investing. #retirement #lies #retireearly #earlyretirement #prepare #workhard #invest #savemoney #sacrifice #freedom #happiness #lessstress #rethink #dailygrind #funwork #youtube #hobby #retiresooner #youtubeincome #podcast #readbooks #courses #spendless #downsize #consumerism #payoffdebt #free #fun #inexpensive #hobbies #planning #nontraditional #sidehustle #sidegig #frugalliving #financialfreedom #500k #planningforretirement #retirementplanning #howtoretireearly