In today's edition of Turkmenistan Weekly AI News, we cover the pivotal meetings held by Turkmenistan’s National Leader in Tehran, where significant agreements on the TAPI gas pipeline project and energy cooperation were signed. We also report on the new agreements between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, focusing on electricity transmission and railway construction. Additionally, learn about the strategic plan to deliver Turkmen natural gas to Turkey via Iran, and Dragon Oil’s $10 billion investment commitment to enhance Turkmenistan’s energy sector. Stay informed with the latest developments in Turkmenistan's energy and diplomatic initiatives. Don't miss out—subscribe to Atavatan TV for daily updates! #Turkmenistan #AINews #TAPI #EnergyCooperation #DragonOil #Iran #Afghanistan #NaturalGas #Investment #AtavatanTV Turkmenistan Weekly AI News is the first AI news program in Turkmenistan, prepared and introduced by Ysmayyl Orazgylyjov. In this AI-driven news program, Ysmayyl's picture is generated into a video using AI technology, and his cloned voice is used to present the news. #ysmayylorazgylyjov #ainewsanchor #ainewstoday #ainews Turkmenistan Weekly AI News Bu biziň Emeli Intellekt bilen gepleşigimizde Alyp baryjynyň öz hakyky sesini klonlap, habary göýä Alyp baryjynyň özi okaýan ýaly edýär. Habarda görülýän wideo fotosuratdan ýasalan we surat gepleýär. Agyzlar sese görä gymyldaýar we gözler hem açylyp ýapylýar. Indik sanymyzda näme goşup bolar, teklipleriňize garaşýarys. Dear audience of Atavatan TV Channel, good evening. I'm Ismail Orazgilijov, and welcome to our Turkmenistan Weekly AI news program. Here are the latest updates from Turkmenistan's agenda in English, with the assistance of Makul Artificial Intelligence. #turkmenweeklynews #turkmendailynews #atavatantv #AtavatanTurkmenistanJournal #atavataninternational #atavatanturkmenistan #Туркменистан #Туркменистанновости #turkmenistan #turkmenistan🇹🇲 #balkan #awaza #ahal #mary #lebap #daşoguz #asgabat #turkmenistannews #istanbul #taleynama #turkmensungat #atawatanym #turkmenistannews #news #dowranorazgylyjow #drdowranorazgylyjow #turkmenistanhabarlary #atawatanym #atavatantv #makulsozluk #sozluk #turkmenenglishdictionary #englishdictionaryword #artificialintelligence

AshgabataydymlarturkmenowazturkmensazlarturkmenwideolarTurkmenistannewsTürkmenistanТуркменистанTurkmenvideolarturkmenkliplergyzlarowadanmakulsözlüktäsinwideolargyzyklywideolarvideolarprikoldunya tazelikleriAtaWatanAtavatanýyldyzlarAşkabatsondakikahaberlertürkmengyzyklyтуркмен гелин гызларdünýä belli habarlarPresidentsyýahatçylykgezelençlerAmerikaýollar haçansaylananhabarlarpasporthalkaradrdowranorazgylyjowatavatantv