Check out the list of capital intensive and capital light industries that was mentioned in the video here: In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, billionaire CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon shared his thoughts on the economy, stock market, interest rates, inflation, and the potential for an economic hard landing. Billionaire Jamie Dimon is warning that some serious storm clouds are forming in the US economy. If you're looking to safeguard your financial future, understanding what Dimon sees could mean the difference between staying afloat or sinking. There is a narrative forming in the Media and elsewhere that America has officially pulled off the elusive so-called economic “soft landing”. Successfully raising interest rates to tame inflation without plunging the economy into a deep, dark recession. But not so fast, says Jamie Dimon. Dimon’s seat as CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, gives him a truly unparalleled look into the economy. And unfortunately, Dimon is worried about what he is seeing. On many major metrics, the US Economy is incredibly strong. Gross Domestic Product, or GDP for short, is a measure of the size and health of the economy. As you can see here, GDP continues to grow at a healthy and steady rate. Additionally, the unemployment rate is just 3.9%, well below the long term average of closer to 6%. Household wealth is at an all time high as the stock market and home values continue to soar. All of these numbers would seemingly point to a strong and vibrant economy. However, if you ask average, everyday Americans, most of them would tell quite a different story. As shown in this chart, US consumer confidence is hovering around its lowest levels in over a decade. What the economic data is showing and how many US consumers are feeling doesn't seem to match up.

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