TREASURE JAPAN DEBUT ALBUM[THE FIRST STEP : TREASURE EFFECT] ●STREAMING・DOWNLOAD(available now) → ●PACKAGE(now on sale ) → -日本デビューアルバム 3/31発売 Japan Debut Album, On Sale March 31 [YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP / mu-mo SHOP] BUY → ●YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP / mu-mo SHOP限定商品:"メンバー別アクリルスタンド付きCD"販売中! Product available only at YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP / mu-mo SHOP: “CD with acrylic stand portraying an individual member” on sale! ●パッケージ初回封入特典:"オンラインサイン会"を含む豪華プレゼントが当たる応募抽選特典シリアルアクセスコードが全商品に封入 Bonus enclosed in first edition: A serial access code to enter a raffle for luxurious presents such as an “online autograph signing meet” is included in every product ●YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP / mu-mo SHOP限定特典: Bonus available only at YGEX OFFICIAL SHOP / mu-mo SHOP: 《単品購入特典》 Bonus for purchasing single products ●ビッグステッカー(メンバー別の全12種よりランダム1枚) Big sticker (One random sticker portraying an individual member from a total of 12 types) 《3形態セット購入特典》 Bonus for purchasing the set of 3 formats ●デコレーションステッカー(集合絵柄1種+メンバー別12種の全13枚セット) Decoration sticker (Set of a total of 13 stickers: One type showing the whole group + 12 types of individual member stickers)