#TSM - Ever wondered what TSM SPICA's favorite things are? (Aside from League of Legends and the LCS, of course). After 2 monumental games against Cloud9 and 100 Thieves, we caught up with your favorite Jungler to find out WHAT the 7 things are that he simply can't live without. Is it something he wears? Maybe something he won? Get your exclusive sneak peek into his drip, his personality, and why these items mean so much to this amazing LCS player. FOLLOW SPICA NOW: https://www.twitter.com/spicalol https://www.twitch.tv/spicalol ▶ Subscribe to get more FREE TSM Legends episodes, ProGuides, LoL montages, LoL esports, and esports highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Ndz98NI_-9VQM3E7fctnQ?sub_confirmation=1 -- Follow TSM: ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TSM ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/TSM ▶ Discord: https://discord.gg/TSM ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@TSM ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TSM ▶ Website: http://tsm.gg ******* ▷ Official Shop: https://tsmshop.com/ ******* WANT TO SEE @BjergsenLoL's FUTURE $50,000,000 HOME? Check out the MOST EXPENSIVE GAMING FACILITY being built in the world: https://youtu.be/3Ov5vwTb7aY -- WHO IS TSM? "TSM is North America's gold standard" ~ ESPN "Ranked #1 Most Valuable Esports Company In The World" ~ FORBES We are the best esports org in the USA. With a passion for gaming, entertaining, and winning. From League of Legends to Valorant to Rainbow Six Siege and beyond, we have championship calibre pro teams and wildly popular streaming influencers. To all our dedicated fans, and all our future fans: Thank you for joining us on this journey. We promise we'll always do our best, to be the best. And together, let's build the future of gaming. TSM. -- LOOKING FOR A LAUGH? • What happens when 5 TOP Radiant Valorant Pro Gamers face off against 3 PREMIER League of Legends Pros? You get the most glorious crossover League game ever! https://youtu.be/SvTCOHS-_kI • VALORANT vs LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 3v5 - the mashup that started it all - with over +1 MILLION VIEWS! Ft: Bjergsen, @doublelift, @Biofrostlol, @brokenblade258, Spica, @WVRDELL, @SubrozaCS, @DroneVAL, Hazed, and Cutler (reltuC): https://youtu.be/dmg_KWwvnAI • What happens when 5 TOP Radiant VALORANT Pro Gamers face off against one of the BEST Rainbow 6 Siege Teams in the world (but only 4 of them)? You get utter FPS MADNESS! (ft @Beaulo, @tsmachieved, @Pojoman , @Merc23, @ChalaR6 and Geometrics! https://youtu.be/oynxq7DrSic • "OMG DID YOU SEE THAT?!" TSM REACTS to the BEST Videos from the EPIC LCS SEASON 6 https://youtu.be/N2qhkp7M-No • What happens when the TOP League of Legends Pro Team faces off against the BEST VALORANT TEAM in the world - BUT, this time with a TWIST: instead of a 3v5, it's only 2v5! https://youtu.be/RjjANjDswmg • Your LCS Champions are back with another fun and raw episode of "Sound Check", where we take you behind the scenes into the actual comms of our League of Legends Team on game day. https://youtu.be/jjzIUZeUd9Y • TSM'S FIRST MUKBANG EVER, with your favorite League of Legends pros: Bjergsen, Doublelift, Biofrost, and TSM Leena Xu. https://youtu.be/cnn55x9Fvu4 -- WANT MORE TSM LEGENDS EPISODES? • Miss Episode 1 of the 2021 Season? Bjergsen's got you right here: https://youtu.be/Yb6ANY6V51M • CHAMPIONS! Experience how TSM became the best team in NA by defeating everybody! (Team Liquid, FlyQuest) TSM Legends S6 Episode 25 https://youtu.be/Jx3oErJS-Kg • Witness that moment when our League boys finally made it into worlds by facing off against the Spring Champs, Cloud9 - Legends S6E24 https://youtu.be/dovBpzkDdJ8 • Did you see TSM steal ANOTHER victory from 100 Thieves during the LCS 2020 Summer Split? Watch the action now in - Legends S6E15 https://youtu.be/H1xdJ1WlAbc -- IN THE MOOD FOR MORE PERSONAL STORIES? • Like Bjergsen? Take an intimate look at his personal life, his family in Denmark, and how he turned to League after being bullied. RESET: A TSM Bjergsen Story https://youtu.be/mQ9C4KuiejE • After playing eight seasons of competitive League of Legends, capturing six LCS Championships, winning four season MVP awards, attending Worlds five times, winning an IEM World Championship, and being selected for the All-Star event four times, our King Bjergsen will be moving onto a new role for TSM. https://youtu.be/1icY4L92G0o. -- WHAT IS LEAGUE OF LEGENDS? • A battle arena game with competitive esports pro league tournaments in the LCS, LEC, LPL, LCK, and beyond. It has become one of the most successful games ever created by RIOT games. #LeagueOfLegends #7Things