Do you think that DuckDuckGo is protecting your online privacy? If you are using it the wrong way, then it definitely does not. So today, I am going to show the wrong way to use DukDuckGo and the right way to use DDG to protect yourself online. SUBSCRIBED YET? Check out the top 10 VPN providers to see which one it best for you: WARNING: There are TRACKERS in your emails! #TheTechieGuy Need to get faster wifi and faster internet? Is your gaming lagging and your zoom buffering? What is a Mesh WiFi and WiFi 6? I show you all you need to know about faster and better connectivity with the best router settings, wifi optimization, wifi tips and internet bandwidth performance tricks and even boosting speed apps. My name is Liron Segev, aka TheTechieGuy, and I make tech simple for everyone to understand - I answer your technology questions making so you are more productive more efficient, and getting more out of your phones, gadgets, and apps Liron Segev aka TheTechieGuy

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