우크라군 텔레그램에 "북한군 전사자" 주장 사진•영상 공개 Let's begin today with updates on North Korean soldiers deployed by Russia in its war against Ukraine. What's the latest? A latest Ukrainian report claimed additional North Korean troops' activity in the Kursk region. Ukrainian armed forces claim they have killed over 20 North Korean soldiers in Russia's Kursk Oblast with media outlet Ukrainska Pravda, publishing images and a video clip of the bodies. A commander of Ukraine's aerial reconnaissance unit known by the call sign “Magyar,” published a video on his Telegram channel on Sunday claiming that many of the bodies shown in the clip are of North Korean soldiers, while other bodies belonged to other members of Russian forces. The quality of the footage is limited due to the low resolution of the drone camera used to capture it, making it difficult to confirm whether the bodies actually belong to North Korean forces or not. On Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Kremlin began deploying "a noticeable number" of North Korean troops to the Kursk region in Russian territory, where Ukrainian forces still control a number of settlements. According to previous statements by Ukrainian and U.S. officials, some 11,000 North Korean troops have already been deployed in Russia. #Ukraine_Russia_war #Volodymyr_Zelenskyy #NorthKorean_soldiers #KurskOblast #러시아_우크라이나_전쟁 #북한군전사자 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/arirangtvnews 📣 Twitter : https://twitter.com/arirangtvnews 📣 Homepage : https://arirang.com/ 2024-12-16, 10:00 (KST)