►Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/btQa9CE ►Find song lyrics here: https://danjori.blogspot.com/ ►Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/danjoriYT "Syria, My Love" is a Syrian National Army march based off the Syrian march of the same name. This version takes the original and reverses the lyrics, from positive about Syria and it providing for its people, to being negative about Syria, being enslaved and the SNA needing to restore its glory. The Syrian National Army (alongside the Free Syria Army) is a Turkish-backed rebel group formed in 2017, branched off the older Free Syria Army from 2011. I do not represent any of the ideologies, countries, or religions shown on this channel. The purpose of this channel and its content is to historically present the music at hand and does not show support for nor against the party on screen, rather a neutral preservation standpoint so that the music is not lost to time. Not all parties shown on Danjori are widely accepted, however, I merely upload their songs to record history, good or bad.

danjorienglishlyricssongsongtextsong texttextmarchmarchesmarchingarmysongsparadesoldiersoldiersfootagesyriasyrianmiddle eastعلى قد رجالسُورِيَاالْقُوَّاتُ الْمُسَلَّحَةُ الْعَرَبِيَّةُ السُّورِيَّةُالْجَيْشُ الْعَرَبيُّ السُّورِيُّمسيرة الجيشrareوطن شرف اخلاصالجيش الوطني السورينشيد حماة الديارAnthem of the Protectors of the Landالجيش السوري الحرfreenationalturkturkishموطنيfree syrian armynational syrian armyfsansaسوريا يا حبيبتي