The Federal Reserve reduced its benchmark interest rate for the first time since 2020, a key shift in its fight against inflation as concerns center around the labor market. While prices have cooled, an uptick in unemployment has reignited warnings of a recession. Regardless of the Fed’s decision about rate cuts, a lot remains at stake for the economy and Fed Chair Jerome Powell in the months ahead. WSJ's Nick Timiraos explains why this is the Fed's make-or-break moment. Chapters: 0:00 Adjusting policy 0:32 Labor market in focus 1:50 How rate cuts help 2:58 Fed’s split opinion 4:22 What’s next? News Explainers Some days the high-speed news cycle can bring more questions than answers. WSJ’s news explainers break down the day's biggest stories into bite-size pieces to help you make sense of the news. #Fed #Inflation #WSJ

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