Tutorial | How To Stack Cards | Erdnase Stock Shuffle | Stacking. Running up the desired cards in a certain order for dealing, while the deck is being shuffled, can be accomplished to any considerable extent only by the hand shuffle. The method in common use by expert players is to draw the particular cards from the bottom. Do keep in mind that today in professional card games the overhand shuffle is not in use. That said, in home games and non pro games you can find in use all the time, in performing you can use this shuffle and stack technique with no problem as well. . Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/es.an.drews/ . If your interested in taking lessons contact me: https://www.instagram.com/es.an.drews/ . Refrence: The Expert At The Card Table, P. 66 . #magictutorial #sleightofhand #gambling

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