Product Link: Trying out Dauntless's OBD reader. Main reason I got this was to disable eye-sight system without having to manually turn off PCB every single time This dongle disables eye-sight without having your dash light up like a tree. However the draw back, is that you will lose cruise control completely, while disabled. Luckily, you can easily turn eye-sight back on via the app and power cycle the car and boom. You have cruise control and your dash lights back again 0:00 Unboxing 0:54 Dauntless OBD App 1:04 OBD Fitment 1:31 Pair Device 2:50 Explore Settings 3:21 Doors. Auto Lock/Unlock 4:08 EyeSight- Disable 4:36 Doors Auto Lock test (OBD Unplugged) 6:37 Door Auto Lock test (OBD Plugged In) 7:26 EyeSight- Turn Back On 9:29 EyeSight- Disable again 9:54 Device Based Functionality 10:22 Persistent Vehicle Options 10:43 Data Capture w TrackAddict 11:01 Wrap up 11:55 End