How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore (part 2). LiveYourLegend and the group that we’ve built wouldn’t exist if I didn’t have this compass to identify Wow this is something I want to pursue and make a difference with. If we don’t know what we are looking for, we are never going to find it. But once we have this framework – this compass, then we move on to what’s next. That’s not me up there — But doing the impossible and pushing our limits, because there are 2 reasons why people don’t do things: one is because they tell themselves they can’t do them and the other is people around them tell them, they can’t do. Either way we start to believe it. Either we give up or we never start in the first place. Everything was impossible until somebody did it. Every invention, every new thing in the world people thought were crazy at first. Roger Bannister in the 4-minute mile it was a physical impossibility to break the 4 minute mile in a footrace. So Roger Bannister stood up and did it. Now what happened. 2 months later, like 16 people broke the 4-minule mile. The things that we have in our head that we think are impossible, are often just milestones waiting to get accomplished if we can push those limits a little bit. I think it starts with your physical body and physical fitness more than anything as we can control that. You show yourself, you don’t think you can run a mile, you show yourself you can run a mile or two even like a marathoner, lose 5 pounds, whatever it is… you realize that can be transferred – that confidence compounds can be transferred into the rest of your world. READ MORE Note : Acknowledgements This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: NURSE, TEDx Talks, Dan Lok, linguamarina, Gaur Gopal Das, The Dave Ramsey Show, live your legend,love your job,Golden Gate 3D,career transition,stereo,living legends,TEDxGoldenGatePark,passionate career,ted x,job satisfaction,ted,San Francisco,motivation,Scott Dinsmore,Area 5,United States,tedx,English,tedx talk,hate your job,ted talk,ted talks,stereoscopic,career,3D,tedx talks,passion,America,career change,dream job