How to get STARTED on LinkedIn? Hi #TeamInspirers!!! Every Tuesday & Thursday, you'd hear from me on LinkedIn with a great post! Also, to help you guys more, an in depth video explanation will be provided on my YT/ IG channel (Yes, I made a "LinkedinTips" playlist!!) Pointers on getting started: 1) Have a great and comprehensive LinkedIn profile. Think how you can maximize the information your profile provides in 7-10 secs of viewing. My last post linked below goes on that. 2) Grow your network. How to do that? You can sync contacts on LinkedIn using your email address or even uploading a CSV file. Ninja tip: You can also import your mobile contacts :P!! Links in the comment section below. 2)Follow your university page. On the left side, you'd see an "Alumni tab". Click that and you've access to alumni. You can even change the "start and end year" to get in touch with the most recent college graduates. You can even find them on the basis of where they work, what they do, their major, skills etc!! If you want to find your tribe of finding folks who just started school with you, you can do that as well!!How cool is that? :D 3)The coolest thing on that page is that in the end you can see how many 1st degree connections you have and work on making more 1st degree connections. 4) I highly suggest to be more active. Participate in the discussions on these pages or even better instigate one!! The "videos" section is also very useful. 5)Likewise, follow the company pages you're interested in working for. They too have a "People" tab and you could initiate the conversation with them in similar way. Ninja tip: I highly suggest to choose your university from the "Where they studied" tab and strike a conversation with them. If your school is not listed, you can even add it!! Yay :D 6) Golden nugget: Start commenting or even better making posts. Start seeing your feed as a social dinner table and the posts coming on it as things that people are talking about. What'd you do if someone talks about something that interests you. Wouldn't you comment, ask questions or acknowledge. Start doing the same here. Work on increasing your profile views. That my friends is a way to increase your opportunities :D Let me know what you think!! Pleeeeeaaaazzzeeee !! Haha Link to my previous post: Video explanation: Link to my YT channel: Link to my IG channel: Link to help you sync contacts: