Floating in the ether of golden era lyricism, dark, transluscent synths, and melodic harmonies — lies DLRN. Blending the crisp vocals of Sean LaMarr with Jon Reyes on the boards, the pair has managed to find a way to defy archetypes, and seamlessly blend varying styles to form a genre-bending musical experience that speaks to a wide range of audiences. This song, "Lahaina" explores the intimate moments of a relationship when couples can feel the most disconnected. Floating in the ether of golden era lyricism, dark, transluscent synths, and melodic harmonies — lies DLRN. Blending the crisp vocals of Sean LaMarr with Jon Reyes on the boards, the pair has managed to find a way to defy archetypes, and seamlessly blend varying styles to form a genre-bending musical experience that speaks to a wide range of audiences. Their music paints a cinematic portrait of the struggle that the everyday hero must face — trying to be everything to everyone. Weaving intricate tales of love, loss, and loathing, they expose you to the side of artists you never really see. The side that feels doubt. The side that feels hurt, and pain, and conversely, triumph. The human side. — PRVLGS inhabits the space between psychedelic & progressive guitars, classically borne key riffs, and funk & hip-hop influenced drums. For them, music is more than a collaboration — it’s a language, a way of communicating. Drummer Omar Gonzalez-Barjas, keyboardist Zach Hake and bassist Melissa Garcia each exhibit a unique musical fluency, the culmination of years spent individually recording, producing, writing, and touring. Together, they form PRVLGS. The result is smooth, danceable, impactful, and much greater than the sum of its parts This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx