1. **Drop, Cover, and Hold On**: When you feel the shaking, drop down onto your hands and knees to prevent being knocked over. Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall, away from windows, mirrors, and heavy objects. Hold on until the shaking stops to protect yourself from falling debris. 2. **Stay Indoors**: If you are indoors, stay there. Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people try to move around or run outside. Moving during an earthquake can be dangerous due to falling debris, glass, and other hazards. 3. **Create an Emergency Kit**: Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, whistle, and a multipurpose tool. Keep this kit in an easily accessible location and ensure all household members know where it is. 4. **Know Your Safe Zones**: Identify safe spots in every room of your home, workplace, or school. These spots should be under sturdy furniture or against interior walls away from windows and heavy objects. Practice drop, cover, and hold on drills regularly with your family or colleagues. 5. **Have an Emergency Communication Plan**: Establish a communication plan with your family and loved ones. Designate an out-of-area contact person who can act as a central point of contact for everyone to check in with. Ensure everyone knows how to send a text message, as these often work when phone lines are overloaded. Remember, preparedness is key to surviving and minimizing the impact of earthquakes. Regular drills, staying informed, and having a plan in place can greatly increase your chances of staying safe during an earthquake.