Check out all the attractions seen in this video: The capital of sunny Portugal, Lisbon is situated at the point where the Tagus River estuary meets the Atlantic Ocean. As a travel destination, the riverfront city is as rich and varied as the country’s long history. From the ruins of a Moorish castle perched atop one of the city’s seven hills to a sidewalk café snuggled against an ancient Visigoth wall, remnants of Lisbon’s colorful past are everywhere. While Western Europe’s oldest city has taken steps to overhaul its transportation system, modernize its downtown area and revamp its waterfront, it’s the charm of Lisbon’s oldest neighborhoods that most attract visitors. #Lisbon #VisitPortugal #TravelLisbon #HistoricCharm #TagusRiver #AtlanticOcean #EuropeanTravel #LisbonSights #OldTownLisbon #PortugueseCulture #LisbonHistory #CityOfSevenHills #Alfama #LisbonModernization #LisbonWaterfront #CulturalLisbon #LisbonFood #LisbonAttractions #LisbonTravelGuide #BeautifulDestinations

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