An educational institution verification indicates that the member currently works or studies at the institution and has confirmed that association by using an email address containing a domain allowed by the institution. Currently, the feature is only available to select educational institutions as LinkedIn continues to expand support for this feature. Your associated email must match your educational institution’s email domain. (Example: The educational institution must be listed in your profile under the experience or education section with a specified start date. For current students or those yet to graduate, the end date can be left empty or set to a future date. Please note that verifications cannot be applied retroactively (i.e., after you have graduated from or are no longer employed by the institution). Once you verify, a verification badge will be displayed on your profile next to your name. Others who view your profile will be able to see the verification, but not the actual email address. If you have issues verifying or displaying your educational institution verification, see our troubleshooting tips.