If you need vanilla extract in a hurry this is the way to go. This takes 7-14 days instead of months. 80% proof or higher alcohol. We used bourbon this time. You can also use vodka, run, brandy, you name it. Vanilla beans https://a.co/d/4i2Wgc1 For each pint jar you need to slit and add 5 beans. Place finger tip tightened jar in your Instant Pot on a trivet and add 1 cup of water to the pan. Put the lid on and set your pressure for high 30 minutes and turn off the keep warm function. Let the vanilla run the full cycle and let it naturally release pressure until the pin fall on the lid. Takes about 45 minutes or let it sit overnight. Once it is done remove from the pot and let it sit in a cool dark place for 7-14 days. You can leave the beans in or strain them out. I think they are pretty so I leave them in. Store in a container with a lid and add move alcohol to top off as you use it (if you are leaving the beans in). You can reuse the beans a few times and once they are less potent make vanilla sugar with them https://youtu.be/593HgdqQ_uo To see our other extract recipes flavored https://youtu.be/WFCH2ZuQwXE alcohol free https://youtu.be/gnOJSRBOjXI vanilla the old school way https://youtu.be/L4wuoicX8JY The best price on many of our pantry staples is Azure Standard. We love their apple juice cranberries, chocolate chips, oats, molasses, flour and just about anything we have purchased. https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=NUdIIxw1j0 Visit our Etsy shop for sourdough starter and other handmade items. https://littlehillhomestead.etsy.com use discount code YOUTUBE for 10% off your purchase. Don’t forget to see what we are up to on our other social media platforms. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thelittlehillhomestead/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/littlehillhomestead/ Thanks for watching, Shawn and Ali Little Hill Homestead