Have you ever wondered what CC Composite did? well in this quick tip i'll show you how it can be a powerful after effects filter that you've probably never used. Thanks for watching and sharing! My Tip Jar: https://gumroad.com/l/tipmikey ⭐️ UNLIMITED STOCK DOWNLOADS Access to over 600,000 ready-to-use After Effects Templates, Stock Footage, Fonts, Templates and more! http://cinemaspice.net/envato to help support this channel. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecinemaspice/ If you need stock footage, photos and even After Effects templates. Go check out Envato Elements. http://cinemaspice.net/envato to help support this channel. Don't forget to share this video. You never know who among your friends is a closet After Effects user. Thanks. Twitter https://twitter.com/longlivemikey Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecinemaspice/