User Interface & User Experience design plays a vital role in whether or not people will use that particular application or product. Thus, making such design decisions carefully by considering how it will be received is important. This is accomplished by tapping into the human's senses such as eyesight, touch, and hearing. In this talk, we'll be dissecting the kinds of design decisions that are being made by tech companies to make their product more appealing. Harrish is pursuing his Masters in Computer Science. He’s a fitness coach, and has a deep interest in public speaking and acting. He’s actively participated in public speaking events like Model United Nations and also takes pride in having successfully hosted several high-level events during his undergraduate. He has enthusiastically participated in both plays and musicals in national-level competitions. He currently works as a Building Manager at the Maverick Activity Center and is also a UTA Summer Orientation Ambassador, conducting several orientation sessions to incoming students representing Campus Recreation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalksEnglishTechnologyInterface design