What If All the World's Ice Melted? Have you ever stopped to consider, what would happen, if all of the world's ice melted? First and foremost, If all of the world's ice melted, sea levels would rise by 216 feet, displacing millions of people, and causing the loss of homes, businesses, and cultural landmarks in coastal cities. furthermore, The melting of the ice, would also disrupt the water cycle, affect agriculture, and exacerbate climate change, leading to more extreme weather events. However, we can prevent this catastrophic event, by taking urgent action to reduce, greenhouse gas emissions, and slow the pace of climate change. #earth #earthfact #factsaboutearth #worldfact #sun #spacefact #spacefacts #unbelievable #earthfact #whatif #whatiffacts #sciencefiction #earthfacts #earth #fictionalfacts #interestingtopics

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