Joshua shows us how we can use our mind to overcome bullies. Instead of sinking to their levels, we can us humanity to help solving our bullying problem. At the age of 15 Toch started to take a stance against bullying in his own community by speaking up about his personal experiences of getting bullied because of his disability, Cerebral Palsy. Through witnessing the impact of his activism, Toch along with a team of other young entrepreneurial innovators, founded an organization by the name of Mind Before Mouth that equips students to better deal with the social aspects of life. (MBM) is a not-for-profit organization that goes into schools, clubs and organizations, in order to shed light on the fact that we all go through adversities in life and by working together we can strategically get through times of hardship. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at