Purchase Stereo Amps Pack Vol. 1 here: https://worshiptutorials.com/product/stereo-amps-pack-volume-1/ This pack includes captures and Tone Match Gen2 amp/IR' blocks of seven of our favorite amplifiers to pair together in stereo. You get the following amps: 1967 Fender Deluxe Reverb 1964 Vox AC30 2002 Korg-era Vox AC30/6 TB Benson Chimera 1994 Matchless S/C-30 Matchless Chieftain Matchless Clubman For capture units (TONEX and Quad Cortex), we've delivered multiple captures of each amp, which allows you to choose a clean capture or 'edge of breakup'. For the units that support full presets (Helix, HX Stomp, Axe-FX III, FM9, and Quad Cortex), we've delivered two different preset templates along with amp block settings and tone match IR's, which you can mix and match to create your own stereo amp setups. For Line 6 and Fractal units, we've also included over 50 effects settings via the Favorites feature (Line 6) and the Block Library (Fractal). Table of contents: 00:00 - Intro 00:18 - What is the Stereo Amps Pack? 00:51 - TONEX Playing Sample (Chimera and C-30) 02:25 - More about what this pack is 03:52 - Line 6 Helix Playing Sample ('02 AC30 and Chieftain) 05:22 - Quad Cortex Playing Sample (C-30 and Chimera) 07:05 - Fractal Axe-FX III Playing Sample ('02 AC30 and Chieftain) 08:16 - Quad Cortex Playing Sample ('64 AC30 and '67 Deluxe Reverb) 10:07 - Line 6 Helix Playing Sample (C-30 and Clubman) 11:36 - TONEX playing Sample ('64 AC30 and '67 Deluxe Reverb) 13:15 - Fractal Axe-FX III Playing Sample (C-30 and Clubman) 14:12 - TONEX - What you get and how you can build your own stereo amp pairs 16:34 - Quad Cortex - What you get and how you can build your own stereo amp pairs 17:54 - Line 6 HX - More details about what you get, and how this completely unlocks your HX unit 21:12 - Fractal - More details about what you get, and how this completely unlocks your Fractal unit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download Pads and instantly elevate your worship sets: https://www.worshiptutorials.com/pads/ View our Helix Patches: https://worshiptutorials.com/helix/ Join our Facebook group for worship leaders and worship team members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297108460822183/ Join our Facebook P&W Gear group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2113165795376666/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen. CURRENT GEAR - stuff we use in (and to make) videos Cameras: Sony FX3: https://amzn.to/3TEa80p Sony a74: https://amzn.to/3fWONBd Acoustic Guitars: McPherson Acoustics (Camrielle, Carbon Fiber Sable): https://mcphersonguitars.com Martin D-35 // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--MRT2018D35 Martin 000-28 // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--MRT201800028 Taylor 414ce // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--TAY414CERV LR Baggs Anthem Pickup (in both) // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--LRBANTHEM Capos: G7th Performance Capos: Amp modelers we make presets for: Line 6 Helix // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--LINHELIXFB Line 6 HX Stomp // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--LINHXSTOMP Kemper // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--KEMPROFILERSTAGE Fractal Axe-FX III, FM3, FM9 // https://www.fractalaudio.com Quad Cortex: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/QuadCortex--neural-dsp-quad-cortex-quad-core-digital-effects-modeler-profiler-floorboard Recording Interface: Universal Audio Apollo // https://www.zzounds.com/a--3980936/item--UADAPX8P In-Ear Monitors: Ultimate Ears: https://myinears.com ///////////////////////// Web: http://www.worshiptutorials.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worshiptutorials/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/worshiptutorials/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrshptutorials
