In this video I'm showing you how I created many fully custom 3D printed tool organizers for my measuring tools and sockets based on the Gridfinity system. We're going over a bunch of different methods to approach the 3D modeling including using reference images and 3D scanning to maximize the space and efficiency of your tool drawers. Thanks to Revopoint for sponsoring this video! Get the Miraco at Revopoints Website: Revopoint Miraco 16GB Version on Amazon: Revopoint Miraco 32GB Version on Amazon: You can use the Discount code "REVOPRRHIL" for all of these to get 7% off your order! Also check out the Miraco Facebook Group for the latest MIRACO showcase and interactive giveaway events: You can get 3D files for the Socket Organizers I made here: LINK LIST for my favorite Tools (Affiliate Link) My main 3D Printer - Bambu Lab X1 Carbon (Affiliate Link) Check out Zacks introduction video to learn more about #gridfinity: Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 02:26 Modeling Gridfinity block for a simple Tool 06:34 Modeling more complex shapes with reference image 09:42 3D Scanning objects / Sponsored Segment 22:12 Examples of various tool organizers 15:36 Making organizers for Socket Sets

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