After Effects Tutorial: Learn how to scale or resize a shape layer from the corner or edge, without squashing or distorting the roundness. Shape layers can be very annoying when it comes to scaling from anywhere but the centre, but in this After Effects tutorial, you'll see how it can be done quickly and easily. 🔔 Subscribe for more After Effects tips! Buy Me a Coffee ☕ Follow Me: Instagram: Expressions: //Top Right w = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[0]; h = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[1]; [w/2, h/-2] //Top Left w = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[0]; h = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[1]; [w/-2, h/-2] //Bottom Right w = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[0]; h = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[1]; [w/2, h/2] //Bottom Left w = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[0]; h = content("Rectangle 1").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[1]; [w/-2, h/2]

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