On August 1, 2021, changes from the Isakson and Roe Act went into effect, enhancing opportunities for GI Bill® students and outlining new requirements for GI Bill programs and operations. One of the most important new requirements for GI Bill students coming out of the legislative changes is monthly enrollment verification. Non-college degree facility students using the Post-9/11 GI Bill will have to verify their enrollment to continue receiving MHA and/or kicker payments for terms on or starting after August 1, 2021. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will provide students with text message verification and comprehensive resources as they become accustomed to the new process. This video will provide more details about enrollment verification, how to opt-in for text, and how this simple, quick way for verifying enrollment benefits GI Bill students. Learn more about enrollment verification by visiting our website: https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/isaksonroe/verification_of_enrollment.asp or the Frequently Asked Questions page: https://benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/docs/IsaksonRoe/EnrollmentVerificationFAQs.pdf.