►Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/btQa9CE ►Find the lyrics here: https://danjori.blogspot.com/ ►Join my streams! https://www.twitch.tv/danjorilive "Your Forehead is High and Doesn't Look Down" is a Syrian National Army march about defending Syria, who has never given up on the struggle. The Syrian National Army (alongside the Free Syria Army) is a Turkish-backed rebel group formed in 2017, branched off the older Free Syria Army from 2011. I do not represent any of the ideologies, countries, or religions shown on this channel. No matter if we agree or disagree, it is still important to document the songs of every ideology, country, and religion.

danjorienglishlyricssongsongtextsong texttextmarchmarchesmarchingarmysongsparadesoldiersoldiersfootagesyriasyrianmiddleeastmiddle eastعلى قد رجالسُورِيَاالْقُوَّاتُ الْمُسَلَّحَةُ الْعَرَبِيَّةُ السُّورِيَّةُالْجَيْشُ الْعَرَبيُّ السُّورِيُّمسيرة الجيشrareوطن شرف اخلاصالجيش الوطني السورينشيد حماة الديارAnthem of the Protectors of the Landالجيش السوري الحرfreenationalturkturkishموطنيfree syrian armynational syrian armyfsansa