Evolution/comparison of CAR PHYSICS LOGIC in GTA Games. Games covered: GTA 5, GTA 4, San Andreas, Vice City & III. This video takes a look at different Car Physics properties including suspensions, falls from cliffs & cars reaction to your character + showcases the physics engines differences under the following tests: 00:00 - Car Suspensions vs. Falling Objects 03:00 - Driving off a cliff 08:02 - Falling/Landing on a Car The video also showcases the evolution of gameplay, graphics & small details in GTA games. GTA 6 will also be featured on the Channel whenever it drops. 🎵 Music: Slenderbeats - Inkling 🔔 Be sure to Subscribe & activate Notifications! #ENXGMA

Evolution of CAR PHYSICS LOGIC in GTA Gamescar physics in gta gamescar physics logicenxgma car physicsenxgmagta logiccar physics logic in gta gamescars logic in gta gamesgta carsevolution of cars in gtaenxgma gtaevolution of carsevolution of in gta gamesevolution of gta logicevolution of physics in gta gamesgta physicsgta 5 physicsenxgma gta logicgta physics comparisongta physics evolutiongta physics enginegta 5grand theft auto