Get the Sharter here In this video Funny Wet Fart Prank | The Sharter Toy | Trick or Treat we start of with some trick or treat sharts then head over to Seaport Village and finally wipe up at Walmart. The Tracy movie has funds to start shooting this Spring. We need a little bit more to get into places that will charge us to shoot. Places like Sonic, Strip Clubs etc.. Places that some of the pranks written need to be shot at. If you can donate here follow me on twitter Instagram https://sonsofarkham23 Facebook Sons of Arkham Pranks SEND ME COOL THINGS HERE Sons of Arkham P.O. Box 372 Jamul, Ca 91935 Channels that have helped me film Gilstraptv That Brown Nerd Gonzalo Ortiz Infrabren #TheSharter #FunnyWetFartprank #theshartercup #publicprank #theshartertoy #fartinginpublic

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