Want to take amazing wildlife photos? Check out my new course with 20 modules and over 5 hours of content, no fluff! AND A CHANCE TO WIN A $13,000 600mm f4 LENS! https://journalofwildlifephotography.com/simon/ Let's go on a bird photography trip together to record and photograph the amazing Bobolink. Many people describe the song of the Bobolink as sounding like the voice of the robot R2-D2 from Star Wars. This bird's population has declined by 90 pct since the 1960s, so we're off on an adventure to see if we can find it and record its amazing voice. The equipment I use: https://www.simondentremont.com/my-equipment Follow me on: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Sdentrem Instagram https://www.instagram.com/simon.dentremont Website Simondentremont.com