We often say that,‘management is doing things right while leadership is doing the right things.’ By stating this, we create a fine; vincible line between the definitions and functions of a manager and that of a leader. However, our next speaker has defied that hypothetical fine line and emerged a winner in both fields. The quintessential career coach who has guided individuals to know themselves and choose careers which are apt for them and has many happy and successful in their pursuits be it conventional or new age professions.They are the true returns of his efforts. In his endeavour to facilitate all school and college students to take informed career decision, www.bookmycareer.in is one such simple yet meaningful initiative. Career Counsellor This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

TEDxTalksEnglishHumanitiesCareerLifeLife DevelopmentSelf improvementSimplicity