Hola friends! ~~~~~~~~ I hope you all enjoy this video of my mom’s Salsa Roja de Chile Puya. Keep in mind, there are multiple versions of this salsa and I am simply sharing the way my mom makes it. This salsa is VEGAN; therefore, it can be enjoyed in most diets. If you have any questions pertaining to how you can incorporate this salsa in your dishes or the process of making it, please put them in the comment section and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks for watching! Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/m.cba_/ Artesanias IG: https://www.instagram.com/marias.cositas.bonitas/ ~~~~~~~~ Ingredients used: -3 lbs tomatillos, peeled and washed -6 oz Chile Puya -2 cloves of garlic -1 Tbsp salt -1 to 1.5 cups of water Cooking instructions included in the video.