20 of my most loved acoustic covers 🤍 with Music Travel Love, Dave Winker, Tyler Ward, Kyson Facer, Landon Austin, & Jonah Baker follow me on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/4k51JgB5G0e33QYVpbcPuf?si=SaE7pMnfRUKyFd0eYvzYLQ ---------------------- 0:00 Demons 2:59 Be Alright 5:57 Iris 8:42 Bad Liar 12:05 Say You Won't Let Go (with Music Travel Love) 15:38 Faded 18:26 All I Want 21:47 Without Me 24:20 Little Things 27:35 Heaven (with Dave Winkler) 31:38 Creep 35:05 Happier 37:57 Sweater Weather 40:27 Summer of '69 (with Tyler Ward) 43:37 Landslide (ft. Kyson Facer) 46:27 Let Her Go (ft. Kyson Facer) 49:16 Be My Mistake 52:25 Here With Me 55:04 Such Great Heights (with Landon Austin) 58:09 Fireflies (with Jonah Baker) #JadaFacer #Acoustic

Jada Facermusic travel loveJohn BuckleyTyler wardkyson facerDave winklerLandon AustinJonah bakerDemonsIrisBad Liarbe alrightsay you won't let gofadedall I wantwithout melittle thingsheavencreephappiersweater weathersummer of 69landslidelet her gobe my mistakehere with mesuch great heightsfirefliesacousticcompilationJada Facer compilationnightcoreJada Facer nightcorehappier gatchaacoustic nightcorecover