VICTORY! I managed to create new sentient life in Satisfactory AND lock the frame rate at an amazing 1 FPS! Subscribe if you enjoy! ► Twitter ► Facebook ► ---------- Check it out on the Epic Games Store! ► More about Satisfactory: Construct & Automate Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Pioneering for FICSIT Incorporated means charting and exploiting an alien planet, battling alien lifeforms, creating multi-story factories, entering conveyor belt heaven, automating vehicles, and researching new technologies. At FICSIT inc. you will take part in the Save the Day program, providing short-term solutions for long-term problems, possibly with the help of your friends. Created by Coffee Stain Studios ---------- I Made the Game Unplayable with This Gravity-Destroying Tractor Ball Pit - Satisfactory - Let's Game It Out #LetsGameItOut #Satisfactory #Simulation I also used this music in my outro: "Werq" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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