2022 was a great year in Glacier Country of Northwestern Montana. Highlights of our ventures outward include Glacier National Park, Swifcurrent Lookout, the Pitamakan - Dawson Loop, Grinnell Glacier, Logan Pass, Bowman Lake, Flathead Lake, the Flathead National Forest, Holland Lake, biking the Going-To-The-Sun Road, snowshoeing, nordic skiing, and kayaking in Glacier Country.

Glacier National ParkGlacier CountryMontanaGrinnell GlacierSwiftcurrent LookoutDawson PassPitamakan PassTwo MedicineGoing-To-The-Sun RoadHike MontanaHike GlacierGlacier HikeFlathead ValleyDiscover KalispellKalispell MontanaBowman LakeLake McDonaldDiscover MontanaMany GlacierCracker LakeGrinnell LakeMany Glacier LodgeHolland LakeBergwandernWanderungYuanzuHaikinguSenderismoRandonnee