Welcome to the first episode of My Travel Guide for Seeing Europe on a Budget. I backpacked across Europe and visited 28 cities in 18 days. In these videos I discuss the top things to see and do while in various cities across Europe. I also bring valuable insider tips and tricks related to saving money and having the best experience in each city. Learn some cultural tips, find out what is work doing and not worth doing in Denmark, and have an adventure of your life. In Copenhagen you must go to Freetown aka Christiania and to the neighborhood of Nyhavn. Nyhavn is community commonly found in the popular picture you get when you search Copenhagen on the internet. It is actually the place in the thumbnail of this video. For great food you are going to want to go to the Copenhagen Street Food Market: http://copenhagenstreetfood.dk/en/ There is so much more to see and do to come in my book so keep an eye out for it. As always, if you have any questions or comments please do reach out!

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