In this video, it shows the stepper motor and servo motor's works. What is the difference between the servo motor and stepper motor? 1)Different control precision The precision of the servo motor is higher than the stepper motor . 2)Low frequency characteristics is different Stepper motor is easy to appear appear low frequency vibration phenomenon at low speed. Ac servo motor runs smoothly,no vibration phenomenon even in the low speed 3) Torque Frequency are different . The output torque of the stepper motor will decrease with the speed , and at a higher speed will drop sharply The servo motor will not appear this phenomenon . 4) The different overload capacity Stepper motor will not have overload ability . Servo motor has a strong ability of overload 5)Running performance is different The control performance of the Servo is more reliable than the stepper motor . 6) Different speed response performance The Speed of the servo system performance is better than the stepper . If you want to get more information, please email us to For quickly response, online chat way is available by Skype: Nick.Stylecnc or Whatsapp: +86-15953106756. You can also check more from our official website: #cncrouter #steppermotors #servomotors

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