So I decided to try out the website builder version of WordPress. It's a similar experience to running WordPress on your own hosting account with some limitations like no themes or plugins. In this tutorial I instruct you on how to properly get setup with WordPress dot com from step one to step done. That means I show you how to properly create a free account and ignore WordPress's various upsells. How to custom design your website using the block editor, how to make your website searchable and indexable and how to properly layout blog posts as well as create a logo and upload a favicon. If you've been looking to get started with a free account with WordPress to start a blog or create a website, this complete tutorial is for you. Please use the timestamps below to help yourself navigate to any section of interest. ► ▬▬▬ CHAPTERS: 00:00 Start 00:37 Get Started with 07:32 Essential Settings 13:43 Homepage design 25:32 Blog Archive and Menu 30:58 Logo and Favicon 37:54 Blog Posts 43:25 Pricing 47:25 Conclusion ▬▬▬ R E L A T E D ► vs ► Twenty Twenty One Theme Tutorial: ▬▬▬ S U B S C R I B E 🔔 Hey I'm David. Website Creative Pro is the place where smart people come to learn how to build professional and profitable websites. Consider subscribing -​ #wordpress

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