Communication Tips: Understanding Arrogance I have a theory. Perhaps arrogant people are really insecure. How do you deal with difficulty, rudeness and arrogance? It might drive you crazy, but there is a way to have perspective and interface with arrogance so that everybody wins. How to talk to someone you don't like: While we shake our heads in disbelief that the U.S. government cannot manage to speak to each other effectively, I'm devoting this week's blog post to arrogance. I have a theory about this particular state of being and perhaps if we can re-frame the way we habitually think about (and then subsequently deal with) arrogant people, then we can change the dynamics of ANY conversation. There is so much important work to do in this world. If we are all going to play nice in the sandbox, we better learn how to handle even the toughest egos. 7 Tricks to Stay Calm When Interacting with People You Don't Like: 3 Ways to Deal with Rude People: Want more communication tips? Check out my free training program right here: Alexa Fischer is an LA-based actress and career coach, teaching others the skills to reach their goals in business and life. She offers private coaching to creative people around the world, and is also available for lectures and presentations for business and organizations. You can find out more about her work, including articles, courses and free eBooks, and how you can get in touch, at her website: Follow Alexa on Twitter! @1000WattAlexa Read more at her blog:

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