He lost 30 kg and still had a lot of fat with so much excessive skin. So I performed an Abdominoplasty(Tummy tuck surgery) + Vaser liposuction and laser skin tightening to take back the time 🚀 See how I sutured the skin perfectly to have the best scar 👌 and Also see how I changed the place of the bellybutton to create the best symmetry and proportions 👨🏼‍🎨 #drsuleymantas #bestplasticsurgeon #tummytuck #tummytucksurgery #abdominoplasty #vaserliposuction #vaserlipo #laserliposuction #laserlipo #laserskintightening #gynecomastia #gynecomastiasurgery #gynecomastiabeforeandafter #tummytuckbeforeandafter Additionally, I performed for him #rhinoplasty #blepharoplasty and #nanofatgrafting 🚀 It was a total #transformation and #combinedsurgery I mean a handsome legend is coming so soon 🤗 #tasmedicalcenter

Tummy tuckAbdominoplastyLiposuctionVaser liposuctionLaser liposuctionBest plastic surgeonDr Suleyman TasBest aesthetic surgery hospitalBest plastic surgery hospital