► Stream "A Bar Song (Tipsy)" now: https://ffm.to/s3barsong ► Get exclusive BTS footage, early mixes, and exclusive merch: http://patreon.com/simplythree Comment "❤️❤️❤️" to welcome Marianne!! 🎻 Special thanks to our amazing Patrons! Karolyn Boulanger ray halverson Dean LoriAnn Stretch Chloé Trevor Jenni Dietsch Kath Ulman Barbara Thomas Sams Elebash Carmen Todea Iris Farla Michael J Colando Quaris Eda Chen john e hanna jr Scott Kooiman Cloyd Snyder Laurence Del Rae Steven Shearer The Hound + The Fox John Hill Maria Smith Debbie Sharratt Don Bullock Jr Edward Arnold Crystal Bollinger Heidi Morrighan MARK FRINK Lillian Young Sabrina H THE VIDEO Filmed in Arizona Featuring Simply Three Cinematography by Kent Shelley Directed, edited, and colored by Simply Three THE SONG Arranged by Simply Three Engineered, produced, and performed by Simply Three Mixed by Ed Boyer Mastered by Nathan James LINKS Subscribe: http://bit.ly/S3Subscribe Facebook: http://facebook.com/simplythree Instagram: http://instagram.com/simplythree Twitter: http://twitter.com/simply_three Website: http://simplythreemusic.com Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/artist/simply-3/ARVPnJ6ZXr9kt4V Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ZZVk8undJqXJqQ1GHCTp2 Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/simply-three/620128204 #SimplyThree #abarsong #shaboozey @Shaboozey #violin #cello #bass © Simply Three, Inc. 2024 https://simplythreemusic.com

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