What are the best ETFs for maximizing dividend income in 2024, and more importantly which ones are better positioned to outperform in the coming years. This is a question that I feel many retirees and income investors need to pay close attention to. Especially right now. One of the most popular dividend ETFs in the markets is SCHD, which is the Schwab us dividend Equity ETF. Now another extremely popular dividend ETF is JEPI which is the JP Morgan equity premium income ETF. The two ETFs have been consistently compared with one another with analysts trying to determine which one is the better investment for retirement. But given recent updates in the economic climate, one will likely serve its purpose better then the other. And this is where things get really interesting. There are 5 key topics that I'm going to focus on. Sector allocation, Dividend yield, Volatility, Price return, And external economic pressures. And this is rather urgent subject because next week is when things can take a drastic turn. So pay attention. ✅Market Research Platforms✅ Seeking Alpha - Get $50 OFF + 7 Day Free Trial https://seekingalpha.me/ViktoriyaMedia Alpha Picks https://www.sahg6dtr.com/25S2ZK4/J8P3N/ Koyfin - Advanced platform for researching global stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds & more: Get 20% OFF: https://www.koyfin.com/affiliate/vikt... ✅Investing/Trading Platforms✅ Moomoo - Get up to 15 FREE stocks: https://j.moomoo.com/00Aq4o WeBull - EARN 5% APY on CASH NOW! https://a.webull.com/i/ViktoriyaMedia ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Viktoriya Moskalyuk does not provide investing, tax, legal or accounting advice. This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. I am solely sharing my personal experience and opinions. I highly encourage you to do your own research- there is a risk of losing money in the market. You should consult your own tax, legal and financial/investment advisors before engaging in any transactions. 🚨Thumbnails are NEVER a direct quote from any public figure. It is a form of art and is strategically used for audience engagement. DO not rely on the “quote” as a real statement from a public figure. 🚨Advertiser Disclosure: The links provided on this channel are from affiliate partners, which means that if you make a purchase through my affiliate link, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. 📚BOOKS TO READ📚 THE OPTION WHEEL STRATEGY: https://amzn.to/4046nFf COVERED CALLS for BEGINNERS: https://amzn.to/42IsXoX Investing for Dummies: Original - https://amzn.to/3Ju9bVc 9-in-1 Books- https://amzn.to/3FGu3r3

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