- 00:00 🚗 Nvidia CEO's praise for Tesla's self-driving tech - Nvidia CEO highlights Tesla's self-driving technology as revolutionary. - Tesla's self-driving technology is described as an end-to-end generative model, learning from video data to predict driving paths and behaviors. - Generative AI is hailed as a transformative force across various industries, from drug discovery to language translation, leveraging vast amounts of data to innovate and solve complex problems. - 02:21 🧠 Generative AI and its applications - Generative AI is likened to a super-intelligent apprentice, capable of learning from massive datasets and generating new ideas, designs, and solutions. - This technology transcends traditional AI limitations, enabling learning in diverse domains such as language, chemistry, physics, and art. - Nvidia's CEO envisions a future where AI-driven innovations revolutionize medicine, disaster prediction, and creative endeavors, positioning Nvidia at the forefront of this transformative wave. - 04:12 💻 Teaching AI through video data - Traditional AI training methods involved manual labeling of images, while the new approach relies on teaching models directly from video data. - Video-based learning is described as the most effective way to train AI models, facilitating a deeper understanding of the physical world. - The convergence of AI and video data requires significant computational resources, driving demand for advanced GPU technology to support multimodal learning. - 06:02 🔥 The challenges and opportunities of multimodal AI - Multimodal AI, combining video, text, and sensor data, presents new opportunities for AI innovation but requires substantial computing power. - Nvidia's GPUs and software infrastructure are positioned to meet the demands of multimodal AI, driving the next wave of technological advancement. - Generative AI, empowered by Nvidia's technology, is heralded as the next big wave in AI, promising to revolutionize industries and drive unprecedented innovation. - 07:48 🔋 Global expansion and collaboration in the battery industry - Chinese battery manufacturers, led by CATL, are aggressively pursuing global expansion to tap into new markets. - Collaborations between companies like Ford, Tesla, and CATL signal the industry's shift towards global partnerships for battery production. - Despite challenges such as tariffs and geopolitical tensions, initiatives like technology licensing aim to facilitate rapid adoption of battery production capabilities globally, positioning CATL as a dominant player in the battery market. If Your Interested In Videos About In General Tesla News, Make Sure To Subscribe So You Can Stay Updated On Future Videos. -------------------------------------------------- ** All video and pictures are used with permission or in accordance with the copyright owner's stated policies and use allowance, or applicable fair use laws. ** Keywords tesla stock,tsla,tesla stock analysis,tesla news,tesla stock prediction,tsla stock,tsla stock forecast,best stocks to buy now,tesla stock chart,tsla stock news,cathie wood,ark invest,tsla stock price prediction,stocks to buy now,tsla prediction,tesla stock prediction 2024,tesla stock predictions,tesla stock tomorrow,tsla tesla,tsla price analysis,tsla stock tomorrow,tesla stock price prediction,tsla stock analysis,elon musk,tesla,cathie wood tesla ***THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE IT IS JUST AN OPINION! WE ARE NOT EXPERTS! WE DO NOT GUARANTEE A OUTCOME WE HAVE NO INSIDE KNOWLEDGE! PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS! THIS IS JUST EDUCATION & ENTERTAINMENT!

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