Video footage recorded by Makoto Onodera at the Kesennuma Fish Market. Upscaled video quality. 0:00 The video shows the Oura and Asahicho area minutes before the tsunami. The water recedes, some boats move away from the coast escaping from the tsunami. 3:01 The tide begins to return and the sea level rises rapidly. 6:20 The water becomes a violent torrent, begins to drag boats and overflows towards the city. 10:27 The tsunami arrives in full force, destroying everything in its path. The Asahicho area is completely submerged. 11:48 State of the Kesennuma Fishing Port during the tsunami. 12:57 State of the Uoichibamae area and the Kesennuma Shark Museum. 14:05 The water begins to recede. 14:53 A fire starts in the Kesennuma City caused by debris. 17:07 Aftermath of the tsunami in the Kesennuma City and surroundings. Duration: 41:11 Format: SD Video Location: 7 Uoichibamae, Kesennuma City.